Biological Conservation and Evolution in the Genomic era (BioChange) is an initiative leaded by a group of collegues and friends working in many aspects of different biological problems. From independent institutions we put together our perspectives, tools and resources to answer broad and tranversal questions in Biology. The focus of our research program includes conservation, ecological, evolutionary, genetics and genomics components to understand the biological mechanisms driving most of the patterns in nature and helping us to comprehend and predict the consequences of anthropogenic disturbances. For that end we share tools and knowledge including field and lab experimental approaches, genetic and genomic techniques, and theoretical and modelizing procedures. We use different organisms as system study to explore mechanisms and patterns of our interest from a basic or applied perspective. The support of our students is essential for the growth of our group and that is why our student´s training and success is so important. Our research words are conservation, evolution and genomics, our way to get there is collaboration and mutual aid.
New paper out by the branch of our network in Sevilla on climatic drivers of cork growth and in collaboration with Camarero´s lab. Well done guys! You can read more HERE.
Symposium on
FLORAL POLYMORPHISMS AS A RESEARCH TARGET FOR NATURAL SELECTION Speakers: Tanja Slotte. Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. Sweden. John Pannell. Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne. Switzerland. Monserrat Arista. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Sevilla. Spain. Organized by: Violeta Simón-Porcar, M. Abdelaziz & Bruce Anderson. Abstract submission This year EcoFlor will take place in Coimbra. The collegues organizing it and the members of this active community are very excited about this first EcoFlor organized outside the Spanish borders. I can´t imagine a better place and research group organizing it. You can find more information about the even here: https://pollinet.wixsite.com/ecoflor-2024
Don´t miss it! |
Our group participate at biennial congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE) taking place in Málaga (17-19 JAN) with five posters and an oral communication. Very proud of the hard work or our students. Come to discuss with us about our communications. Moreover the congress will be full of very interesting talks and communications. Check the congress programme HERE.
Symposium on
FLORAL SPECIALIZATION AND THE GENERALISED NATURE OF POLLINATION INTERACTIONS Speakers: Agnes Dellinger. Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Austria. Nathan Muchhala, Department of Biology, University of Missouri–St Louis, USA. Gerardo Arceo-Gómez, Department of Biological Sciences, East Tennesse State University, USA. Organized by: Rocio Pérez-Barrales, M. Abdelaziz & Jeff Ollerton. Abstract submission This year the Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET) national congress (https://congreso2023.aeet.org/) will take place during a week in Almeria. It is one of the best meetings organized in Spain for people interested in Biology, in general, Ecology, in particular. The AEET is one of the most active scientific societies in Spain offering many resources to the members. So good moment to become a member here.
New preprint leaded by Ana in bioRxiv where we explore how changes in ploidy can drive an unexpected transition to allogamy in Erysimum incanum species complex. You can read more HERE.
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New project funded by the Spanish Agency of Research, Spanish Ministery for Science and Innovation.
Monitorization of Endemic ENdangered Ecosystems Registering genomic VAriation through time (MEENERVA). PI: A. Jesús Muñoz-Pajares. More info in research section. Our last paper publushed in American Journal of Botany, resulting from Ana´s thesis.